„What began over 35 years ago ends tonight.“
Schlagwort: Star Trek
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Soldiers of the Empire (5×21)
„The Jem’Hadar are the future! You know why? Because they can break us. Just like they broke Martok.“
Star Trek: Picard | Võx (3×09)
„What I see in you, what Vadic saw, an end. The vindication of both our species. To take everything back from those who live like shattered glass.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Ferengi Love Songs (5×20)
„Wait a minute! What’s the Nagus doing in my closet?“
Star Trek: Picard | Surrender (3×08)
„I am who I am. A talker. Not sleight of hand, but sleight of word. All just to distract from this feeling that I have … I’ve always been different.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Ties of Blood and Water (5×19)
„He lied to me. I thought he was different, but he’s just like the rest of them.“
Star Trek: Picard | Dominion (3×07)
„The moment we allowed her to board, we invited Death onto this ship.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Business as usual (5×18)
„28 million dead? Can’t we just wound some of them?“
Star Trek: Picard | The Bounty (3×06)
„Find a pocket among the relics. Let’s be a needle in the haystack.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | A simple Investigation (5×17)
„You can’t go through life trying to avoid getting a broken heart. If you do, it’ll break from loneliness anyway.“