„Doctor Mora thinks he may have discovered the origin of my people. Of me.“
Schlagwort: Netflix
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im September
Da ich zuletzt einige Serien Folge für Folge reviewt habe, hat es etwas gedauert, um mal wieder eine Liste für den Schnelldurchlauf zusammenzukriegen.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Rivals (2×11)
„Come on. You make your own luck, we all know that.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Sanctuary (2×10)
„For eight centuries my people have lived under their rule. We’ve been forced to work as laborers and servants.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Second Sight (2×09)
„That’s one of the great things about this station: you never know what’s going to happen next … or who you’re going to meet.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Necessary Evil (2×08)
„Unofficially or not, you’re working for the Cardassians. Sooner or later you’re gonna have to choose whose side you’re on.“
Die Magie des Seltsamen | The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
„Tonight, we celebrate! Let us feast! Music! Revelry! For this day, the Skeksis conquered death!“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Rules of Acquisition (2×07)
„A reputation for honesty and decency and reliability. You always know what to expect when you do business with the Ferengi.“