„Most purpose is more burden than glory.“
Schlagwort: Loki
Loki | Science/Fiction (2×05)
„It’s impossible. But don’t let that stop you.“
Loki | Heart of the TVA (2×04)
„Sounds like, whatever we do, we’re playing god.“
Loki | 1893 (2×03)
„All that matters is order versus chaos.“
Loki | Breaking Brad (2×02)
„Stop trying to be a hero, man! You’re a villain. You’re good at it. Do that.“
Kram & Zeugs | November 2023
„Wenn die Eltern zu Besuch kommen, nachdem man schon begonnen hat, Weihnachtsgeschenke zu kaufen, muss man eben mal Osterhase spielen. Ich hoffe bloß, ich finde alles wieder!“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Loki | Ouroboros (2×01)
„If you’re too late, you will be lost to time forever and Mobius will lose all of his skin.“
Loki | For all Time. Always. (1×06)
„Come on, you know you can‘t get to the end until you‘ve been changed by the journey.“
Loki | Journey into Mystery (1×05)
„Don‘t die isn‘t a plan, it‘s a general demand of living.“
Loki | The Nexus Event (1×04)
„ I crave attention because I‘m a narcissist and I suppose it‘s because I‘m scared of being alone.“