„Can you just think of me as a sexual object!“
Schlagwort: iZombie
iZombie | He blinded me … with Science (2×15)
„You wanna know what’s in the secret basement?“ „Yes.“ „Secrets.“
iZombie | Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind (2×14)
„Love makes you stupid.“
iZombie | The Whopper (2×13)
„Everyone lies. It’s a coping mechanism, a key survival trait. Show me someone who always tells the truth and I’ll show you a weirdo. But maybe the most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves.“
iZombie | Physician, heal thy Selfie (2×12)
„Looks like a no-brainer to me, Liv.“
iZombie | Fifty Shades of Grey Matter (2×11)
„Story of my life. Zombie date sends me away until horny brain wears off.“
iZombie | Method Head (2×10)
„You know what would be fun? A zombie show where a zombie is the star.“ „That’s dumb.“
iZombie | Cape Town (2×09)
„I’m the nightmare before Christmas.“
iZombie | The hurt Stalker (2×08)
„This one’s clearly photoshopped. Clive’s hands aren’t white.“ „At this point, anything’s possible.“
iZombie | Abra Cadaver (2×07)
„This is the best brain ever! I almost wanna start killing magicians so it never ends.“