„I’m a king. Not a goddamned princess. A king.“
Schlagwort: Amazon Prime
The Magicians | The Serpent (4×09)
„Everyone has a line. Apparently, mine is turning over a list to what’s starting to feel like a goddamned totalitarian regime.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im August
Zwei Serien, die mich viele Jahre begleitet haben, sind dieser Tage zu Ende gegangen — leider nicht in jeder Hinsicht befriedigend.
The Magicians | Home Improvement (4×08)
„Noticed you got magic back. Amazing! They didn’t have an appropriate thank you card at Target.“
The Magicians | The Side Effect (4×07)
„When you file people away as sidekicks you don’t realize their importance to the story, and this story belongs to a lot more people than you think.“
The Magicians | A Timeline and Place (4×06)
„I’m a grown woman. You’re a grown woman. We make choices. Is there something I’m missing here?“
The Magicians | Escape from the happy Place (4×05)
„If I ever get out of here, Q, know that when I’m braver it’s because I learned it from you.“
Bananews | San Diego Comic Con 2019
Vom 18. bis 21. Juli war es in San Diego wieder so weit: Die große Comic Con, das Original, lockte Macher und Fans gleichermaßen.