„A reputation for honesty and decency and reliability. You always know what to expect when you do business with the Ferengi.“
The Magicians | The 4-1-1 (4×11)
„I’m still rinsing desert sand out of my twat. I’m not going to fucking Antartica.“
ZSSD | Review: Quantum Break – Tempus Frangit
„If time is an egg, then that egg is fucking broken! The time egg is fucked!“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Melora (2×06)
„Try sitting in the chair, Commander. No one can understand until they sit in the chair.“
The Magicians | All that hard, glossy Armour (4×10)
„I’m a king. Not a goddamned princess. A king.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Cardassians (2×05)
„I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don’t trust coincidences.“
The Magicians | The Serpent (4×09)
„Everyone has a line. Apparently, mine is turning over a list to what’s starting to feel like a goddamned totalitarian regime.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im August
Zwei Serien, die mich viele Jahre begleitet haben, sind dieser Tage zu Ende gegangen — leider nicht in jeder Hinsicht befriedigend.