Einer Studie zufolge sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass eine Serie noch geschaut wird, je länger sie in der Watchlist ist.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Paradise (2×15)
„The common conceit that the human species has evolved over the last several centuries is ludicrous. What gains we have made have come at the cost of our own core identities. Man has lost touch with his true power.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Household (3×06)
„I am the child’s mother. And I want Nichole to stay in Canada.“
Vom schwarzen Daumen zur Crazy Plant Lady
Noch vor einem Jahr dachte ich, dass ich einen schwarzen Daumen habe. Inzwischen bezeichne ich mich selbst als „Crazy Plant Lady“ und bringe sogar Exoten zum Blühen. Was ist passiert?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Whispers (2×14)
„I mean, the way they were acting, they might have been trying to pull off one of those surprise parties that I can’t stand. Only, my birthday’s not until September; and believe me, as it turned out, I had nothing else to celebrate.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Unknown Caller (3×05)
„Instead of resentment, they offer grace. A victory for one is a victory for all.“
ZSSD | Immersion – Mittendrin statt nur dabei
Immersion, die – Eintauchen in eine virtuelle Umgebung (Duden online: https://www.duden.de/node/70151/revision/70187 , Abrufdatum 19.10.2019)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Armageddon Game (2×13)
„As long as the knowledge exists, there’s a danger it may be used. That’s a risk we refuse to live with.“