Das neue Serienjahr ist mit einer ziemlich bunten Mischung gestartet. Gleich zu Beginn gab es viele sehnsüchtig erwartete Fortsetzungen wie „Sex Education“ oder auch „Mrs. Maisel“.
Star Trek: Picard | Remembrance (1×01)
„If you are who I think you are, you are dear to me in ways that you can’t understand. I will never leave you.“
Carnival Row | Grieve no more (1×05)
„She was a singer back in the day. She had a voice. Haunting. Can’t get it out of my head.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Jem’Hadar (2×26)
„A Ferengi and a human. I was hoping the first race I’d meet from the other side of the anomaly would be the Klingons.“
Carnival Row | The Joining of unlike Things (1×04)
„At the end of the day, a man’s no better than the pain he’s caused the people he loves and what he’s willing to do to set it right.“
ZSSD | Review: STAR WARS: Jedi Fallen Order
„We were peace keepers. We were betrayed by those we protected. Hunted down by the Empire. I might be the last of my kind.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Tribunal (2×25)
„This trial is to demonstrate the futility of behavior contrary to good order. Everyone will find it most uplifting.“