„My mom used to say, waiting to be rescued is just planning your own funeral.“
Star Trek: Picard | Et in Arcadia ego, Part 1 (1×09)
„Maybe all rationales for killing just boil down to fear, the opposite of logic.“
Literatur am Samstag | Die Kochtopfdirektive, oder: Wie der Osterhase starb
Dieses kleine Ostermärchen hat mittlerweile auch schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel. (Siebzehn, wenn ich dem Zeitstempel der Textdatei trauen kann.)
Lost in Space | Run (2×05)
„You don’t need your old man anymore. I know that whatever happens to you in life you’re gonna do great.“
Star Trek: Picard | Broken Pieces (1×08)
„A neuron. That’s all you know about her. You built this whole giant fantasy of rescue and sacrifice and redemption out of one piss-ant little neuron.“
Lost in Space | Scarecrow (2×04)
„My Robot and I were connected. He knew what I was thinking. Sometimes I could even see what he saw. Let me try to connect with him.“
ZSSD | Review: Die Mass Effect Trilogie
„We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your doom.“
Star Trek: Picard | Nepenthe (1×07)
„Her capacity to trust was a flaw in her programming.“