Literatur am Samstag | Star Wars: Stirb an einem anderen Tag
Einige meiner besten Geschichten waren Fanfiction, und darunter ganz besonders hervorzuheben sind meine berühmten Stichwortgeschichten.
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 4 (1×04)
„The witches on the Congregation are plotting for more power. Even the demons have become unruly. We used to rule with an iron fist.“
The Magicians | Acting Dean (5×07)
„Something, something Fillory, a most amazing land, but fucked by catastrophe, and way before we planned. La la blah blah Fillory, a land without a god. Needs a brand new hero, a strapping land named …“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 3 (1×03)
„Witch power is in your blood and it’s in your bones. You were born to be a witch, just as you were born to have blonde hair. Or those blue eyes.“
Mein Stil, oder: Die Schizophrenie im Kleiderschrank
Modezeitschriften und Fashionblogs predigen mit schöner Regelmäßigkeit, jede Frau müsse „ihren Stil“ finden. Ein Konzept, das mir schon immer etwas seltsam erschien: Wieso um alles in der Welt soll ich mich für einen Stil entscheiden?
The Magicians | Oops! … I did it again (5×06)
„This might be it – me, alone, in this particular 12 hours, eternally.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 2 (1×02)
„This isn’t just about the book. It’s about you.“