„I had to trust that she wanted me to keep this secret for a reason. I had to trust that what she thought was best.“
ZSSD | Review: God of War 2018 – Alleinerziehende Götter haben es schwer
„Look, I get it. You hate the gods, ALL gods. It’s no accident that includes yourself. And it includes your boy, don’t you see that? He feels that! He can’t help what he is.“
The Magicians | Purgatory (5×10)
„Okay, okay, okay, Josh, Josh, calm, calm. You are in Taker home base land, I guess, or never fear – no reason to fear – because Taker kryptonite for some reason. Focus, mission, get home. Also, don’t die.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 6 (1×06)
„It’s time. Remember the story. Fly.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Juni
„It’s good to be black on the moon.“ („Space Force“)
The Magicians | Cello Squirrel Daffodil (5×09)
„There’s always a point where you can decide that’s not my problem.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 5 (1×05)
„If you have the courage to love my son, you have no need to fear your power.“
The Magicians | Garden Variety Homicide (5×08)
„How are we gonna get close enough to the Dark King to learn his weakness and assassinate him? We’re a cook, a maid, a army grunt, a … Julia, and a counselor/confidante.“