A Discovery of Witches | Episode 3 (2×03)
„A weaver selects and creates something new. That is how a weaver creates new spells. Each element has its own threads, so we must discover your element.“
ZSSD/Interim | Südkoreanische Serien – Teil 3: Moderner Alltag
Südkoreanische Serien aus dem Slice-of-Life-Genre – Meine Top 5 (Stand Januar 2021)
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 2 (2×02)
„I don’t understand how my magic is connected to it or my purpose once I come into my power, but I do know this: My relationship to my magic, to Matthew Royden, to the Book of Life are woven together. One cannot exclude the other.“
Marke Eigenbau | Kissenhülle mit Hotelverschluss
Mittlerweile bin ich mit der Nähpraxis schon ein ganzes Stück weiter und möchte euch heute zeigen, wie man eine Kissenhülle mit Hotelverschluss näht.
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 1 (2×01)
„Matthew de Clairmont, are you keeping me inside because you don‘t want to be seen with a fashion victim?“
Bücherstapel | Jasper Fforde „The Constant Rabbit“
„Since there were dramatic portents before the Event occurred – snow flurries, power surges, green sunsets, electrical storms, a full moon, dogs howling for now reason – perhaps scientists should reframe the question from how it happened to why it happened.“