„We cannot live in this reality. If we want to save the future, then we have to repair the past.“
Lost in Space | Trust (3×08)
„So, this is how the book ends …“
Bücherstapel | Mark Dunn „Ella Minnow Pea“
„The Council is wrong. Yet, observe that none of us will risk telling it so, for fear of the consequences.“
Star Trek: Picard | The Star Gazer (2×01)
„You’ve been talking a lot about second chances. Well, my friend, welcome to the very end of the road not taken.“
Lost in Space | Contingencies on Contingencies (3×07)
„Welcome home, Robinsons.“
Die Archäologie der Zukunft | Oder: Was bleibt von uns?
„Wenn dereinst Archäologen nach Spuren der heutigen Kultur suchen, so wollen wir hoffen, dass von unserer Literatur nicht nur ein Autoaufkleber geblieben ist.“ (unbekannt)
Lost in Space | Final Transmission (3×06)
„We are not running away from this!“