„Whatever we think we know about species 10-C, we’re wrong. However we think First Contact will go, it won’t.“
ZSSD/Interim | Review: The Mandalorian 2.5
“He was a Mandalorian foundling in my care. I just want to make sure he’s safe.“
Star Trek: Picard | Watcher (2×04)
„History’s darkest moments can be a tipping point for change. There’s still good here.“
Star Trek: Discovery | Rubicon (4×09)
„In times of division, we identify that upon which we can agree. A shared goal, perhaps, that can lead to compromise.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im März
„Sind Sie schwanger oder … einfach nur unfassbar fett?“ („Inventing Anna“)
Star Trek: Picard | Assimilation (2×03)
„Move backward to go forward. Shatter to mend. The past is now.“
Star Trek: Discovery | All in (4×08)
„We need to score a lot of latinum … fast.“
Liebeshandlungen | Eine Liebe (nur) für die Ewigkeit („Lucifer“, Staffel 6)
„Close your eyes. You can’t see me. But I’m right here. And it’ll be the same down there. No matter where you go. No matter where you are. I’ll be with you. I’ll be with you always.“