„I have no life. I have no death. Whatever is to become of me is up to you.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Progress (4×09)
„Wow. You‘ve gone soft in Toronto. Must be all that maple syrup.“
Kram & Zeugs | August 2022
„Ich will nur noch sterben heute, diese Hitze ist unerträglich.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Return to Grace (4×14)
„Major why are you so reluctant to face the obvious? We make an excellent team.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Testimony (4×08)
„Why does healing have to be the only goal? Why can‘t we be as furious as we feel? Don‘t we have that right?“
Liebeshandlungen | Quickie: „Tiefe Wasser“
„Wieso bist du der einzige Mann, der mit mir zusammenbleiben will?“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Crossfire (4×13)
„I must say, I really didn’t think you had it in you. It takes passion to do something like this. And I always thought you were colder than a Breen winter.“