„You see, Captain, taking Terok Nor was one thing. Keeping it, that‘s the tricky part.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 4 (3×04)
„We need more than a fight. We need a revolution.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im September
„There’s no saving this world. I see that now. But there’s hope for the next one.“ („Westworld“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Hard Time (4×19)
„We punish our offenders by giving them memories of incarceration – modelled to fit each offender‘s personality. It‘s more efficient and much more effective than maintaining an extensive prison system.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 3 (3×03)
„There will be no scion. Go home.“
Kram & Zeugs | September 2022
„Fühlte sich eher wie aggressive Akupunktur an.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Rules of Engagement (4×18)
„We can‘t put a man‘s heart on trial.“