„Isn‘t that what an artist wants – to be remembered? Isn‘t that why you write?“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 5 (3×05)
„For years, I feared witches and their power, little knowing I would come to think of one as my daughter, one who’s given me two beautiful grandchildren.“
Die Kunstfälscher | Gustav Klimt „Adele Bloch-Bauer I“ (1907)
„Wer über mich als Künstler etwas wissen will, der soll meine Bilder aufmerksam betrachten und daraus zu erkennen suchen, was ich bin und was ich will.“ (Gustav Klimt)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Shattered Mirror (4×20)
„You see, Captain, taking Terok Nor was one thing. Keeping it, that‘s the tricky part.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 4 (3×04)
„We need more than a fight. We need a revolution.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im September
„There’s no saving this world. I see that now. But there’s hope for the next one.“ („Westworld“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Hard Time (4×19)
„We punish our offenders by giving them memories of incarceration – modelled to fit each offender‘s personality. It‘s more efficient and much more effective than maintaining an extensive prison system.“