„Silvester. Nicht, dass es mir was bedeuten würde, eigentlich heißt das nur, dass ich dran denken muss, morgen ein neues Dokument für mein Tagebuch anzufangen.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Let he who is without Sin … (5×07)
„Interspecies romance isn’t without its danger. That’s part of the fun.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | Spock Amok (1×05)
„A shared acceptance of mutual sacrifice is crucial to a successful relationship.“
Re:visited | „Emergency Room“
„Wir sind Mediziner, keine Physiker.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Trials and Tribble-ations (5×06)
„The last thing I want is a visit from temporal investigations when we get home“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | Memento mori (1×04)
„So, no shields, no weapons, what do we do? Throw luggage at them?“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Assignment (5×05)
„I have taken possession of your wife’s body. I will hold it hostage until you do everything I tell you to – accurately and without question.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | Ghosts of Illyria (1×03)
„It seems to me, things like this are exactly why the Federation is so wary of genetically modified species like the Illyrians. You start breaking down the genetic code, who knows what the unexpected consequences can be?“