„I want to kill them. But I’d settle for finding any crew alive and getting off of this frozen rock.“
ZSSD/Interim | Review: Lockwood & Co.
„I don’t know what kind of so-called agency this is, but as far as I can see, it’s about as prestigious as a couple of pathetic schoolboys playing agents before their parents get home.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Rapture (5×10)
„I knew we were headed for trouble the minute he allowed the Bajorans to call him Emissary.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | The Elysian Kingdom (1×08)
„Maybe I can get us out of here with the help of some powerful magic called science.“
„Andor“ und die Zukunft von „Star Wars“
„Wir brauchen Hilfe vom Imperium. Wir brauchen ihren Zorn. Wir brauchen Unerbittlichkeit. Unterdrückung erzeugt Rebellion.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Ascent (5×09)
„I’m not trying to rescue you, I’m taking you along as emergency rations. If you die, I’m gonna eat you.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | The Serene Squall (1×07)
„We’re starting a mutiny.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Januar
„Das Leben ist nur etwas, das vor unseren Augen vorüberzieht – wie ein Film auf einer Leinwand.“ („Devs“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Things past (5×08)
„I was too busy, too concerned with maintaining order, and the rule of law. I thought of myself as the outsider, a shapeshifter who cared for nothing but justice. It never occured to me that I could fail.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | Lift us where Suffering cannot reach (1×06)
„On Majalis, we have a saying: Let the tree that grows from the roots of sacrifice lift us where suffering cannot reach.“