They had given robots to the world with the lie that they would save us from labor or relieve us from drudgery so that we could grow and develop inwardly. Someone must have hated human life to have made such a thing – such an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Empok Nor (5×24)
„Lately I’ve noticed everyone seems to trust me. It’s quite unnerving.“
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part II (1×02)
„It’s just you seem kind of old and beat up.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Blaze of Glory (5×23)
„If you can’t have victory, sometimes you just have to settle for revenge.“
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part I (1×01)
„Stay hidden. Live a normal life.“
ZSSD/Interim | Review: The Mandalorian Staffel 3
“Look around. There’s nothing left. A great society is now a memory. I once ruled here for a brief time. Now it’s destroyed. Nothing to cling to but ashes.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Children of Time (5×22)
„I’ve always believed that we’re all given one destiny, one path. And now we’re using technology to get around that … I’m not sure how it makes me feel.“
Star Trek: Picard | The Last Generation (3×10)
„What began over 35 years ago ends tonight.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im April
„Let’s go before we boil to death. Broil to death actually, it’s kind of a dry heat.“ („Avenue 5“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Soldiers of the Empire (5×21)
„The Jem’Hadar are the future! You know why? Because they can break us. Just like they broke Martok.“