„I think they broke you and turned you to their cause and then had you suppress the memory of what happened.“
The Orville | Twice in a Lifetime (3×06)
„Avoid any unnecessary temporal footprints, but complete the mission at all costs.“
Ordnung ins Chaos bringen, oder: Wie ich Reviews schreibe
„In my reviews, I feel it’s good to make it clear that I’m not proposing objective truth, but subjective reactions; a review should reflect the immediate experience.“ (Roger Ebert)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Wrongs darker than Death or Night (6×17)
„She did what she had to do to save her family. To save you.“
The Orville | A Tale of two Topas (3×05)
„He’s struggling, emotionally. He’s confused. He knows there’s something different about him.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im September
„Es wird die ganze Nacht brennen und stinken. Schlimmer wird’s nicht mehr.“ („Chernobyl“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Change of Heart (6×16)
„I look forward to walking through the jungle without a map and no idea what lies ahead.“
The Orville | Gently falling Rain (3×04)
„You never want to underestimate a populist movement. Emotions can be more persuasive than thoughts.“
Kram & Zeugs | September 2023
„Der gewaltige Output an Röcken hat einen Nachteil: In meinem Kleiderschrank wird es langsam bedenklich eng.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Honor among Thieves (6×15)
„I don’t forget my friends. Because friends – they’re like family. Nothing’s more important. Nothing.“