„There can’t just be no punishment.“
Kategorie: Serienreviews
Doctor Who | The Giggle (60th Anniversary Special 3)
„The puppet’s just a puppet. We’re looking for the puppeteer.“
Doctor Who | Wild blue Yonder (60th Anniversary Special 2)
„Ok, so they’re copies with memories and mass but what I don’t get is why do they hate us?“
Loki | Glorious Purpose (2×06)
„Most purpose is more burden than glory.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Dezember
„Hüten Sie sich vor Ideen, die nicht von Ihnen stammen!“ („Legion“)
Doctor Who | The Star Beast (60th Anniversary Special 1)
„We’ve got a bloody Martian in the shed!“
Loki | Science/Fiction (2×05)
„It’s impossible. But don’t let that stop you.“
Loki | Heart of the TVA (2×04)
„Sounds like, whatever we do, we’re playing god.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Tears of the Prophets (6×26)
„The Sisko is of Bajor. It is where he belongs. It is where he is meant to be.“