„You were ready to abandon our home. Now you want a third.“
Kategorie: Serienreviews
Interview with the Vampire | Is my very Nature that of a Devil (1×03)
„Take a Black man in America, make him a vampire, fuck with that vampire, and see what comes of it.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im August
„Vorsicht, die Löffel sind scharf!“ („The Umbrella Academy“)
Interview with the Vampire | … After the Phantoms of your former Self (1×02)
„Embrace what you are! You are a killer, Louis!“
Interview with the Vampire | In Throes of increasing Wonder (1×01)
„I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Juli
„Tell the men to keep looking. I want this Dick in my hands as soon as possible!“ („The completely made-up Adventures of Dick Turpin“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | What you leave behind, Part I+II (7×25+26)
„This may be the last time we’re all together. But no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us – a very important part – will always remain here, on Deep Space Nine.“