„Ich möchte den Propheten, König oder Gott sehen, der tausend Katzen dazu bringt, zur gleichen Zeit das gleiche zu tun.“ („The Sandman“)
Kategorie: Serienreviews
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Sons of Mogh (4×15)
„I have no life. I have no death. Whatever is to become of me is up to you.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Progress (4×09)
„Wow. You‘ve gone soft in Toronto. Must be all that maple syrup.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Return to Grace (4×14)
„Major why are you so reluctant to face the obvious? We make an excellent team.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Testimony (4×08)
„Why does healing have to be the only goal? Why can‘t we be as furious as we feel? Don‘t we have that right?“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Crossfire (4×13)
„I must say, I really didn’t think you had it in you. It takes passion to do something like this. And I always thought you were colder than a Breen winter.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Home (4×07)
„My name is June Osborne. I‘m a citizen of the United States of America. I seek asylum in the country of Canada.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Paradise lost, Part II (4×12)
„We do not fear you the way you fear us. In the end, it’s your fear that will destroy you.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Vows (4×06)
„Gilead finds out we took her, no more missions, no more food, no more medicine, nothing for any of these people. You think June is more important than every one of them?“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Homefront, Part I (4×11)
„I was hoping that this would never happen. But it finally has. The Changelings have reached Earth.“