„Nur um das klarzustellen: Wir reden hier von einem Gefängnisausbruch?“
Kategorie: Serienreviews
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Oktober
„Take me to your centrifuge!“ („Fringe“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | To the Death (4×23)
„Wouldn‘t it be much simpler if the Dominion and the Federation could reach some mutual beneficial understanding without resorting to the unpleasantness of military conflict?“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 7 (3×07)
„I am the book of life.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | For the Cause (4×22)
„We‘ve left the Federation, and that‘s the one thing you can‘t accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everybody should want to be in the Federation.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 6 (3×06)
„Let’s finish what we started.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Muse (4×21)
„Isn‘t that what an artist wants – to be remembered? Isn‘t that why you write?“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 5 (3×05)
„For years, I feared witches and their power, little knowing I would come to think of one as my daughter, one who’s given me two beautiful grandchildren.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Shattered Mirror (4×20)
„You see, Captain, taking Terok Nor was one thing. Keeping it, that‘s the tricky part.“
A Discovery of Witches | Episode 4 (3×04)
„We need more than a fight. We need a revolution.“