„Tell me, Captain, what is it that bothers you more, the fact that I left Starfleet to fight for a higher cause? Or the fact that it happened on your watch?“
Kategorie: Serienreviews
Star Trek: Picard | The Next Generation (3×01)
„I am not a man who needs a legacy. I want a new adventure.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Februar
„Ich soll ’ne Obduktion an einer KI durchführen?“ („Emergence“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Begotten (5×12)
„If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be sitting on a shelf somewhere in a beaker labeled ‚unknown sample‘.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | A Quality of Mercy (1×10)
„This is serious. This is end of the world stuff.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The Darkness and the Light (5×11)
„A creature born within the comforting anonymity of darkness awakens in the harsh truth of daylight. It squirms in the glare, afraid of the light that pins it to the chair like a needle through its heart.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | All those who wander (1×09)
„I want to kill them. But I’d settle for finding any crew alive and getting off of this frozen rock.“
ZSSD/Interim | Review: Lockwood & Co.
„I don’t know what kind of so-called agency this is, but as far as I can see, it’s about as prestigious as a couple of pathetic schoolboys playing agents before their parents get home.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Rapture (5×10)
„I knew we were headed for trouble the minute he allowed the Bajorans to call him Emissary.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | The Elysian Kingdom (1×08)
„Maybe I can get us out of here with the help of some powerful magic called science.“