„Es wird die ganze Nacht brennen und stinken. Schlimmer wird’s nicht mehr.“ („Chernobyl“)
Kategorie: Serienreviews
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Change of Heart (6×16)
„I look forward to walking through the jungle without a map and no idea what lies ahead.“
The Orville | Gently falling Rain (3×04)
„You never want to underestimate a populist movement. Emotions can be more persuasive than thoughts.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Honor among Thieves (6×15)
„I don’t forget my friends. Because friends – they’re like family. Nothing’s more important. Nothing.“
The Orville | Mortality Paradox (3×03)
„If you can control someone’s perception of reality, peaceful conquest is easy.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | One little Ship (6×14)
„This is the story of a little ship, that took a little trip …“
The Orville | Shadow Realms (3×02)
„We will not stop you. But, do not expect us to save you.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Far beyond the Stars (6×13)
„You are the dreamer. And the dream.“
The Orville | Electric Sheep (3×01)
„You see, it really is a shame that you can’t feel anything. Because you deserve to feel all the pain in the universe.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im August
„You’re inviting me to your hunger club? Thanks.“ („The Last of Us“)