„Take a look around you, Nog. This isn’t the Starfleet you know.“
Kategorie: Serien
The Handmaid’s Tale | Safe (5×10)
„They never let anyone get away. Fuckers.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Once more unto the Breach (7×07)
„Help me fight again, Worf. Help me end my life as I’ve lived it – as a warrior.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Allegiance (5×09)
„Gilead’s changing. There’s progress. Under Lawrence, we’re making it better.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Februar
„Es erfordert mehr Macht, zu bauen als zu brennen.“ („Foundation“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Treachery, Faith and the Great River (7×06)
„The Great Material Continuum … it’s the force that binds the universe together.“
The Handmaid’s Tale | Motherland (5×08)
„You’re a symbol to the Resistance. You’re a domino. If you go back, others will follow. They’ll think it’s safe.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Chrysalis (7×05)
„So, what’s a genetically enhanced girl supposed to do when she wakes up from a long sleep? Point to one of those little specks of light out there, pack her bag, and go make a life for herself?“
The Handmaid’s Tale | No Man’s Land (5×07)
„You wanna do this on your own? Do it the fuck alone!“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Take me out to the Holosuite (7×04)
„Their captain considers his crew, an all-Vulcan crew by the way, to be the finest in the fleet. I think the people at this table comprise the finest crew in the quadrant.“