„Keine Ahnung, ich hab gerade das Gefühl, dieser Rock braucht erst mal einen Exorzismus.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Autor: Jes
Interview with the Vampire | Don’t be afraid, just start the Tape (2×05)
„I want 20 minutes, for me. I’d like to know, for me, what happened between us.“
Interview with the Vampire | I want you more than anything in the World (2×04)
„Well, what is vampire life but poor decisions, stacked next to better ones?“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Oktober
„Let us raise an army of bastards!“ („House of the Dragon“)
Interview with the Vampire | No Pain (2×03)
„The coven is envious of your independence. It’s a problem. You outside looking in.“
Kram & Zeugs | Oktober 2024
„Ärgernis des Tages: Mein Brot ist geschimmelt. Im Zirbenkasten! Skandal! Ehrlich, ich bin ein wenig überfordert, denn die allgemeine Meinung lautet ja, das sei gar nicht möglich.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Interview with the Vampire | Do you know what it means to be loved by Death (2×02)
„Everything you’re about to see is real. Remember that when you leave here tonight. You are all complicit repugnant and appalling!“
Bücherstapel | Ninni Holmqvist „The Unit“
From now on it was important that I was kept in good condition and good health in every way. That was the whole point, after all.
Interview with the Vampire | What can the Damned really say to the Damned (2×01)
„What are we looking for here, Adam and Eve of the damned? God? Are we looking for God, Claudia?“