„Lately I’ve noticed everyone seems to trust me. It’s quite unnerving.“
Autor: Jes
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part II (1×02)
„It’s just you seem kind of old and beat up.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Blaze of Glory (5×23)
„If you can’t have victory, sometimes you just have to settle for revenge.“
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part I (1×01)
„Stay hidden. Live a normal life.“
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Children of Time (5×22)
„I’ve always believed that we’re all given one destiny, one path. And now we’re using technology to get around that … I’m not sure how it makes me feel.“
Star Trek: Picard | The Last Generation (3×10)
„What began over 35 years ago ends tonight.“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im April
„Let’s go before we boil to death. Broil to death actually, it’s kind of a dry heat.“ („Avenue 5“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Soldiers of the Empire (5×21)
„The Jem’Hadar are the future! You know why? Because they can break us. Just like they broke Martok.“
Star Trek: Picard | Võx (3×09)
„What I see in you, what Vadic saw, an end. The vindication of both our species. To take everything back from those who live like shattered glass.“
Kram & Zeugs | April 2023
„In einer schockierenden Wendung der Ereignisse habe ich morgen spontan einen Termin im Tattoostudio.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)