„Sometimes a monster’s just a monster.“
Autor: Jes
Meine Top5 der Buchverfilmungen | Teil 2: Filme
„Having your book turned into a movie is like seeing your oxen turned into bouillon cubes.“ (John le Carré)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | The magnificent Ferengi (6×10)
„This is the sloppiest, most amateurish operation I’ve ever seen.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | Subspace Rhapsody (2×09)
„The last thing anyone wants is singing Klingons.“
Meine Top5 der Buchverfilmungen | Teil 1: Serien
„Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different.“ (Stephen King)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Statistical Probabilities (6×09)
„He’s passed himself off as normal. He’s Mr. Normal Starfleet man. Mr. Productive Member of Society.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | Under the Cloak of War (2×08)
„Some things break in a way that can never be repaired. Only managed.“
Bücherstapel | David Wellington „Die letzte Astronautin“
2I verhielt sich nicht wie ein normaler Weltraumbrocken. Doch was hatte das zu bedeuten? Es hat uns die Frage selbst beantwortet. Es hat seinen Kurs gewechselt.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Resurrection (6×08)
„He’s a little different, isn’t he?“