Schlagwort: Discovery
Bananews | San Diego Comic Con 2019
Vom 18. bis 21. Juli war es in San Diego wieder so weit: Die große Comic Con, das Original, lockte Macher und Fans gleichermaßen.
Star Trek: Discovery | Such sweet Sorrow, Part 2 (2×14)
„The future is still unwritten, Michael. The outcome can still change.“
Star Trek: Discovery | Such sweet Sorrow, Part 1 (2×13)
„Sometimes we know the role we play, sometimes we don’t. I’m not sure which is better, to be honest.“
Star Trek: Discovery | Through the Valley of Shadows (2×12)
„The present is a veil between anticipation and horror. Lift the veil, and madness may follow.“
Star Trek: Discovery | Perpetual Infinity (2×11)
„People think time is fragile. Precious. Beautiful. Sand in an hourglass, all that. But it’s not. Time is savage. It always wins.“
Star Trek: Discovery | The Red Angel (2×10)
„Let’s go build a mousetrap.“
Star Trek: Discovery | Project Deadalus (2×09)
„We’re fighting the system itself.“
Star Trek: Discovery | If Memory serves (2×08)
„The Vulcan is experiencing time as a fluid rather than a linear construct. Conventional logic has not helped him interpret such an experience.“