„If a law is not just, then I ask, how are we to trust those who created that law to serve justice?“
Im Schnelldurchlauf | Serien im Juni
„I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.“ („Interview with the Vampire“)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Sons and Daughters (6×03)
„I will teach you what you need to know to be a warrior. And you will teach me what I need to know to be a father.“
Star Trek: Strange new Worlds | The Broken Circle
„If you’re going to steal a starship, do it correctly.“
Kram & Zeugs | Juni 2023
„Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es irgendeine Formel gibt, mit der man berechnen kann, wie viele und wie große Falten man machen muss, um einen bestimmten Taillenumfang zu erreichen … aber Mathe, blargh.“ (aus meinem Tagebuch)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | Rocks and Shoals (6×02)
„We used to have a saying in the Resistance: If you’re not fighting them, you’re helping them. “
Die Kunstfälscher | William Turner „Norham Castle, Sunrise“ (um 1845)
„My business is to paint what I see, not what I know is there.“ (William Turner)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine | A Time to Stand (6×01)
„All in all, it’s a good time for Cardassia … And the Dominion.“
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Part VI (1×06)
„Whether he dies or I do, this ends today.“
ZSSD | Review: STAR WARS: Jedi Survivor
„I wanted to prove to the galaxy that the Empire isn’t invulnerable. That you can resist. That you have to fight if things are gonna get better. But then they just listen to the propaganda and they pretend they’re free anyway.“